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Spatial Intelligence - Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube is one effecient way to improve our spatial intelligence and considered a perfect brain training, it's a mechanical puzzle and comes in four different versions: the 2×2×2 ("Pocket Cube"), the 3×3×3, the 4×4×4 ("Rubik's Revenge"), and the 5×5×5 ("Professor's Cube"). The 3×3×3 version, which is the version usually meant by the term "Rubik's Cube," has nine square faces on each side, for a total area of fifty-four faces, and occupies the volume of twenty-six unit cubes (not counting the invisible cube in the center). Typically, the faces of the Cube are covered by stickers in six solid colors, one for each side of the Cube. When the puzzle is solved, each side of the Cube is a solid color.


This is yet another Java implementation of the classical Rubik's Cube to improve the spatial intelligence. I tried to make the user interface as simple and obvious as possible. You should be able to figure out how it works. Twist or rotate by pointing and dragging in "natural" directions.

Press s to scramble and r to restore (while positioning the mouse cursor somewhere in the applet region).


To have a good brain training is one thing, and to solve the Cube’s puzzle is a different story. Many general solutions for the Rubik's Cube have been discovered independently. The most popular method was developed by David Singmaster and published in the book Notes on Rubik's Magic Cube in 1980. This solution involves solving the Cube layer by layer, in which one layer, designated the top, is solved first, followed by the middle layer, and then the final and bottom layer. Other general solutions include "corners first" methods or combinations of several other methods. Try first to play the game and see if you can feel comfortable solving it without the help of a solution manual. Good luck! Have a good brain and spatial intelligence training!

The spatial intelligence also called sometimes visual thinking manifests in a variety of ways. Transforming mental images is a spatial skill. When a hiker pauses with map and compass, it is the spatial intelligence that conceptualizes the path. Through the spatial sense, a painter "feels" the tension, balance and composition of a painting. Spatial ability is also "the more abstract intelligence of a chess master, a battle commander, or a theoretical physicist", as well as the familiar ability to recognize objects, faces, and details.

"Spatial" is not merely a "visual" thing, it includes abstract, analytical abilities that go beyond seeing images.

Mind maps and outlines are spatial methods of displaying the organizational structure of a thought. Through this kind of visual thinking, one can perceive how thoughts are related to one another, how realms of thought stack, overlap, or stand side by side.

Sex differences are more pronounced in tests of spatial skills than for any other intelligence. Males score more highly than females. It is speculated that genetic selection, dating to hunting-gathering days, may be the cause.

Spatial intelligence can be easily found in our society: architects, contractors, and engineers have it. So do most carpenters and many other tradespeople.


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