Score: Time:


Reflex Test

Brain Reflection

Brain Creativity

Memory Test


Memory Game

Rubik’s Cube


8 Queens

Chess knight

IQ Booster

Brain Exercise

Brain Concentration

Math Game

Mind Training


IQ Test

Reflex Test

Instructions for the reflex test:

To begin the reflex test you have to wait for a message to ask you if you’re ready, or just click on start, once you click ok then the game will start. You have to start clicking on the green buttons as fast as possible, if you take too long or miss the place then the color will change to red. Keep clicking until the 60 seconds are over, if you get a score of 58, then you’re super fast and you don’t need any more training. Good luck!


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Brain Reflection Test - Memory Test - Reflex Test - Brain Creativity - Memory Game - IQ Booster - Brain Power Game - Strategy Game - Brain Stretching - Sudoku – Brain Stimulation - Spatial IntelligenceBrain Exercise - Math Problems - Brain Concentration - Cognitive Training - Intelligence - IQ Test

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